This is a 1963 Firebird 3 that needed some serious route repair before it got a aged Polaris White nitro finish.

Gibson ES-295
Examples of Our Work, Gibson Archtops & Thin-Body Electrics, Gibson Goldtops & Other Solidbodies
A cool mid 50s ES 295 we did an aged goldtop finish on for producer Bob Rock. These are one of my all time favorite guitars.

Keith Richards 50’s Les Paul Custom Replica
Examples of Our Work, Gibson Goldtops & Other Solidbodies, Top Stories
In spring of 2015 I was commissioned by producer extraordinaire Bob Rock to make a replica of Keith Richard’s handpainted late 50s Les Paul custom. We started the project with an Orville 2 pickup Les Paul custom and converted it to 3 pickup and inlaid a pearl Gibson logo. Next was an aged black nitro […]

Early 50’s Les Paul Goldtop
Examples of Our Work, Gibson Goldtops & Other Solidbodies
This was without a doubt the most difficult repair job I have ever been asked to do. This poor early 50s goldtop had a beautiful flame top but had been routed for a Hagstrom vibrato …in addition the bridge area had been chiseled out to accommodate a full height ABR1 bridge.
Doing repairs of this nature […]
Early 1953 Goldtop
Examples of Our Work, Gibson Goldtops & Other Solidbodies
Here is a great guitar… a very early 1953 wrap goldtop that left the factory as an all gold model. Luckily the original finish was in the control cavities and I matched my finish to that. This guitar is very lightweight and features the seldom seen thin ear wrap tailpiece.

1957 Gibson Darkback Goldtop
Examples of Our Work, Gibson Goldtops & Other Solidbodies
Here is a great looking darkback 57 goldtop we just completed. This one has less checking than we normally do and an appropriate yellow stamped serial number.